'Trance Form' yourself with Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis.
- Do you struggle to maintain a regular exercise program?
- Do you lose interest in eating healthy foods and find yourself reaching for sugar loaded, high fat content foods?
- Do you see your reflection in the mirror and wonder where your natural curves have disappeared to?
- Do you lack energy and struggle through the day feeling lethargic and heavy?
- Do you eat when you feel sad, depressed, angry, bored?
Hypnotherapy can help you overcome all of the above issues and assist you to achieve your ideal natural weight. By changing your internal mind-set to a positive, pro-active attitude the extra kilos start melting away, as you take charge of your diet and lifestyle.
Clinical Hypnotherapy is an established, safe and effective modality in the field of healthy weight management. Diets are generally about deprivation and tend to be temporary in their impact. Many people find dieting a frustrating, stressful experience which is very difficult to maintain. Weight loss tends to new temporary for this reason.
In my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist I have helped many people develop healthy eating and exercise habits, thereby assisting them to achieve their ideal healthy, natural weight. Hypnosis puts an end to cravings and 'emotional eating'. A positive relationship to healthy food is fostered as part of my Virtual Gastric Band programme. If you have tried to lose weight before and found it futile and distressing, I think you will be very pleased with the results you obtain by leaving damaging patterns of behaviour in the past.
My Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis programme enables positive change to occur at the subconscious level.
VIRTUAL GASTRIC BAND HYPNOSIS - lap band without the surgery!
I am one of a small number of Hypnotherapists in Australia trained in the highly successful and effective method pioneered in the UK by Sheila Grainger.
The Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis technique involves training the mind and body to feel content with less food - the same principle as the surgery, without the pain, expense, risk, drugs and ongoing medical treatment.
Integrating regular exercise into your lifestyle is also an important part of my Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis programme.